kayaking, overnights on a deserted island.

food cooked over the fire and our secret paths.


This experience is designed for you who are an absolute beginner or a very advanced paddler as we will go at your pace. The magic of the area is that there are so many deserted islands, we, therefore, don’t need to reach somewhere specific, we are free, simply free to roam the infinite at what Stockholm archipelago has to offer. The archipelago is strong with 25.000 + islands and navigating in there could be challenging for those who aren't knowledgeable about the landscape. But don’t worry, William, myself, your expert guide, have been paddling around for so many years now and I know I’ll make your trip something you’re not bound to forget, and this is because I’m myself enjoying this as much as you are going to do very soon!

what a day looks like.

  • Paddle around.

    The days will look as such: wake up in the morning at 07.30 and breakfast at 08.00. Then we pack our equipment and get in the kayak at around 09.30. Paddling the whole morning until noon when we’ll take a good rest.

    We will paddle to a good spot for lunch on a deserted island, sheltered from the wind. You can enjoy a sun-warmed-stone to lay on or jump in the Baltic after a well-deserved lunch and coffee prepared by myself, I’m on it, you just relax ;) I can always take some help though!

  • No time management.

    Then we get back to paddling, at what time? No time, the time has vanished, only being in the moment counts. During the afternoon, we will go deeper into the maze that offers the archipelago, fewer boats, and no view of the mainland anymore. You might feel lost at times, so just let yourself be guided throughout the experience, you are in good hands.

    At the end of the afternoon, no time but let’s say around 16.00, we will think about reaching a nice island where we will set out camp, putting the tent will become an easy routine for you to do after a while

  • Explore the unknown.

    We have plenty of time so let’s explore the island we’re on, who knows we might discover one of these Viking hidden treasures that they hid from their peers more than a thousand years ago! So much to say about that, we will talk plenty when we meet!

    Time to cook a filling dinner over the fire, have great talks, and take a night dip in the Baltic before sliding into your sleeping bag and calling it a day because tomorrow is another day and the unknown awaits us to explore even further what nature offers us!

itinerary - 5 days.

Day 1.

Your private guide, myself, will come to pick you up at your hotel at 09.30. After making sure that you have everything you need for your experience, we’ll jump in the car and straight to the seashore, at Dalarö. Quick words about Dalarö: it is a charming little seaside village that was used as a fish market outpost a century ago when private people and small businesses were buying fresh, smoked, or salted fish to sell inland.

Once at the pier we will prepare our kayak, put it in the tent, sleeping bags, and all the needed gear and food, all well packed in the kayak compartments. We can’t forget anything because once we’re gone, we’re on our own for 5 days.

We will go through a technique and safety briefing to make sure that you are all set for the adventure.

We will start slowly and see how you feel on the water. I might correct your technique slightly here and there for you to save energy and therefore enjoy your paddling more. Once all are comfortable we will continue and explore islands and wildlife that are many in this southern part of the archipelago. 

Starting from Dalarö, we will continue towards Kaskär for lunch and Kymmendö for the night. If the energy is still there we might stretch to Kymmendö-Bunsön.

Day 2.

Wake up around 07.30 and have breakfast around 08.00, but no rush, you are here to enjoy and destress from your busy life. Fire to make coffee and breakfast around it, nothing better to start the day. 

Today let’s eat some kilometers! Starting from Kymmendö, let’s reach the group of islands of Jungfruskär via Gillinge. You’ll really understand why pirates got lost trying to invade Vikings’ settlements from the sea so numerous islands are in this area and elsewhere. And for the record, they never made it to the mainland! We’ll stay in between Brunkär and Ormskär for the night.

Day 3.

Wake up, breakfast, we won’t forget the coffee, you know that Swedes are one of the biggest coffee drinkers in the world, so, no! I’m not going to forget the coffee! Let’s start the day with a large crossing, open sea for around 40 minutes to reach another group of islands, remote, farthest away from the mainland. Here, you will absolutely notice the change in the landscape: trees are shorter and of a weird shape. Some islands are totally bare of trees or any vegetation, it feels unreal. The climate here is rough, strong winds and storms are crashing here first before reaching further into the archipelago to eventually hit the mainland, much weaker. The erosion from wind, rain, and snow is clearly visible here and offers you a very different view. It truly feels like the end of the world and, to some extent, it’s not so far from the truce. Many many years ago, our ancestors believed that the world was finishing at this very sport, as nothing after was in sight, only water, and more water. We will settle camp around Biskopson.

Day 4.

This is our last full day together. Let’s make it count! The region we’re waking up in is very peaceful, even during stronger wind, we can find sheltered islands to let ourselves float around and feed our souls with the energy nature’s providing. It is also in this area that seals like to swim by. It is quite possible to spot them not too far from your kayak, popping up to check what’s happening at the surface.

Two large crossings today, open sea but at this point, paddling became second nature for you! And remember, we go at your pace!

We will go westward, pass the group of islands of Villinge and Kvarnön before reaching the south of Kymmendö, the very same island we were paddling by on day one, but we come from the south this time.

We will set camp at Ornö. now you get a proper feeling of the end but we’re not done yet, we still have an expedition day tomorrow!

Day 5.

Wake up as usual. Today is our last day. We will head back to Dalarö but not without having more fun. As we are still quite far from the mainland, we get a chance once more to spot one of these magnificent migratory birds that love to settle in the Stockholm Archipelago for summer. Let’s approach, but with respect, we don’t want to disturb them as we want to see them again next year!

On the way, we will make a stop at our very secret spot where we will walk to a viewpoint overlooking the archipelago. Absolutely stunning, we’ll let you discover with your own eyes as no picture can capture it to its fullest.

But everything must end! 

Once back to the peer, we will pack down the kayaks and pack up the car before heading back to Stockholm, well tired but the head full of memories.


  • 86.000SEK for the first guest

    44.000 for the following guests in the same group

  • Meals on a campfire,

    All needed equipment (including camping gear),

    Your private guide,


    All drinks, alcohol if desired!

  • Your travel insurance

    Flights to Stockholm

    Accommodation before or after the tour


make it stand out.