what to expect in a survival course

if you found yourself in a survival situation, would you be able to cope?

  • And what now?

    You’re venturing into nature, confident and all geared up with the latest phone with you but then it fails you for some reason, you fall into a pound and your phone drowned, your sleeping bag is soaking wet and you are alone in an unknown region, oh and as a situation never comes alone, your leg’s bleeding from the fall...You’re suddenly feeling way less confident, aren’t you? Face it, you’re lost and with additional situations...And what now?

  • Modern society is driving us away from our natural instincts.

    That’s when your instinct will kick in! When you feel that you can’t rely on anything else than yourself! The problem is that: life in modern society is driving us away from our natural instincts and we are therefore unable to react correctly to sudden survival situations. Your reaction will therefore be panic and fear, the best combo to make this situation deepen from bad to worth.

  • What about the collapse of the social-economic system as we know it!

    What about a situation where there’s no communication anymore, the only safe places remaining would be deep wilderness! I must agree that this sounds very much like a dystopian plot from a Netflix series but still, with the recent events happening on our planet, floodings, extensive forest fires, draughts, Covid, mass migration, chronic famines, cyclones, and many more we might be closer than ever to this, still, dystopian setting!

and then what?

What about the collapse of the social-economic system as we know it! What if we can’t get together and climate change decides over us, making humanity back to square one where we were hunters-gatherers fighting rival clans but in disused cities! Wow, that's a scary introduction! Well yes, it is but being afraid means that you aren't prepared, and you’re most likely not! This course is designed to prepare you for anything suddenly coming at you, and be able to react adequately to a situation in which you wouldn’t make it without knowledge. 

In this two weeks program, you will learn how to make a fire without a lighter, what to use to get a flame, and be comfortable with it in any condition, yes you can make a fire under the rain! You’ll also learn how to make a shelter, adapted to your needs, the season, and your environment.

You’ll learn about plants, animals, insects, what to eat or use for medical purposes and of course what to avoid! How to trap animals (no killing on the course), with what, how to skin them, conserve your meat for the coming winter, how to get over your disgust for insects, how to try unknown plants without risking making mistakes, how to combine different food together to make sure to get all your nutrients and way way more. And of course what to drink, how to find water, how to purify it!

You’ll learn how to plan your campsite, how to make it practical, clean and nice to live in!

get back to your forgotten knowledge and think outside the box!

Nature provides, you just need to take what’s needed. Get back to your forgotten knowledge and think outside the box in order to make your time in nature as comfortable as possible. Surviving isn’t about suffering but understanding the landscape in which you are living and thus making the best out of it. You actually feel a connection to it, it will come by itself but it requires to be in the wild for an extended period of time, therefore I propose a two weeks course and no less.

When talking about survival training, people often, if not always, think about techniques developed over the course of human history and related in present days by knowledgeable people via tv-shows or books. Although these programs are usually showing real skills (to some extent), what’s often missing or too often minimized by sensational images on tv is the whole psychological aspect that is, in fact, the key to a successful survival situation. I call it: ‘’the will to survive’’! If you don’t have the deepest desire to survive there’s little chance for you to make it!

we first start to train the mind

But if you train your mind, if you know who you are, know how you are reacting to this or that stimulus if you know your strengths and weaknesses, and if you are able to work together with and not against them, you suddenly have a way more chances to make it through. Falling or minimizing the psychological aspect is running towards you making the wrong decision or mistakes in usually well-known plants or mushrooms, getting unsocial, tired, not able to sleep or get up, make fire or feed yourself even … you’re getting depressed! And this, in a wild, the natural and unknown environment can be catastrophic.

I’m here to make a change to it, so to prevent getting your positive spirit too low. I’ll teach you and give you tools on how you can keep your happiness to a constant and acceptable level for you to survive anything mentally...and I mean it, anything! In the forest where everything is new and unknown, as the cold bite at night or as the fish doesn’t want to catch your bait; under the rain or when your axe breaks, you’ll be ready to accept what's coming at you because the techniques I have developed truly function when one needs to endure the hardship of life in nature. You’ll quickly notice that this teaching works into the wild but also back home, to your civilized life, when having meetings you really don’t want to attend to or when you get by your routines that you are so tired of. 

Do you feel like missing something? Have you ever made a wrong choice in life in which you are still stuck now, and you don’t know how to get out? Are you as happy as you wish to be? In a city-life, you can bypass negative feelings by having short and positive input every day like restaurants, parties, family, friends, a new car, or else but in the wilderness, you can’t make serious mistakes, you can’t feed yourself with shallow pleasures, you can’t pretend, there’s no one to confirm this to you! Out there, you only get what nature has to offer… and you, at your purest self!

Don’t panic, you’re lucky to be reading these lines. Know that, after this course, you won’t be the first one coming back home and being able to make the necessary changes to become the person you want to be. You’ll then understand that you can create this person, nothing is set in stone, exactly like in nature, every day something different, always something to create and learn about it...like you!


  • The three survival fundamentals

  • The basic needs and knowing which ones to prioritize

  • Fire - how to build it? With what? Different techniques

  • Shelter - how to build it? With what? Different types for different environments and climates. Advanced

  • Food - what to eat? Where to find it? How to prepare it?

  • Water - where to find it? How to collect it?

  • Plants and mushrooms: edible, toxic, medicinal

  • Wildlife - tracking, danger, silent walk, team hunting (no killings in the course). Advanced

  • Trapping - set traps network (no killing). Advanced

  • Fishing - fish traps, night lines, etc ...

  • Climatic zones and how to cope with them

  • Orientation - map reading, nature reading

  • Bushcraft and crafting.

  • Encampment - tools, kitchen equipment, efficiency, and use of nature.

  • Rope - how to make it? With what? Advanced

  • Introduction to long term survival skills

  • Moving - how to cross rivers? etc ...

  • First aid - some easy tricks to master.

  • Survival in the group: Leadership.

  • Psychology and mindset.